Date: January 14, 2025
Time: 6:00PM
Meeting was called to order by: ALR Washington Chapter 149 Director Dave Garrett at The American Legion in Bremerton, Washington.
Officers Present
Director: Dave Garrett-P Assistant Director: Mitch Halloran- P
Secretary: L. “Willie” Nelson- P Treasurer: Paul Nelson- P
Chaplain: Dick Topness-P Sergeant at Arms: Sean Gray- P
Events Coord: VACANT Quartermaster: Pete Gould- E
Historian/Web: Paul Nelson- P Membership Coord: Pete Gould- E
Road Captain: Paul Nelson- P Asst Road Captain: Willie Nelson- P
Total Membership present with Officers: 10
New Members: 0
Invocation: Given by Chaplain Topness
Minutes: Motion to Accept the reading of the minutes from the previous month
made by Sean Gray by Paul Nelson . Motion carried.
Treasurers Report:
Checking/Operations Account: $ .22
Down Riders Account: $ .41
Cash Box : $500
Motion to Accept the Treasurers report for Dec 24 and Jan 25 Made by Sean Gray , Seconded by Dick Topness - Motion carries
Membership Report: No Report Given
Statements from Guests/New Members
School House
Rick Baker- History of the ALR. Beginning in Garden City, MI Post 369 in 1991
with 4 members. After establishing through their department, there were 19
other interested members. Since that time, the ALR has grown to over 110,000
members and in over 55 Departments. ALR 149 originally started in November
2001 at Post 68 with 6 Charter members, and they moved to Post 149 in late
2002 or early 2003.
February- Rick Becker
Old Business
A: All the 2025 Chapter Officers were voted in to office at the December Legion
General membership meeting
B: From the January meeting, for planning purposes, $485.16 was paid out for the
chapter Christmas party for the meal. Thank you to Sheryl Baker and Larry
Phillips for the cooking and presentation of the meal
New Business
A: The post is in need of a new paper shredder in the office, one was found on
Amazon at $269 and a comparable one located at Staples for $10 more. A motion
by Dick Topness for the Chapter to buy the post a Shredder was seconded by
Sean Gray, 9 Aye, 0 Nay
B: Trying to determine the date for the “Dust Your Putt Run”
Runs & Events
A: CVI is having 2 Pints for Vets events, one will be at the Wigwam on January
25 form 1-5 PM and the second at Ridgeling Brewing on February 22 from 1-5PM
B: February 14, there will be a Valentine event at the post, 2 dinner seating
are planned and tickets are pre-sale for $25.
Good of the Order
A: Would like to see more riders in attendance for the General Membership
B: The ROMP for 2025 will be in Tombstone, AZ Sept 18-21.
C: There will be a Riders Social Night at the post on February 8 at 6PM with
D: Per the ALR Chapter Bylaws, for our purpose, this year the chapter needs to
gain more exposure and start riding in more parades.
E: February 1, Riders have the Steak Night
F: The Vietnam Traveling Wall will be in Port Townsend in September and post 26
is looking for help and escorting the wall. Possible that the wall escort
from Ellensburg to Port Townsend on September 9. More to follow
G: January the post will be showing the film documentary, “6 Tripple 8 “ about
the mail sorting during WWII
H: The WA Council of Veterans Clubs are looking at with eh Brothers in Arms to
host a Toy Drive for Bremerton Naval Hospital next Christmas
I: The ALR WA State Rally will be in Yelm August 22-24, Dry Camping is available
and the cost is $10 per rider
J: Post and Chapter 10 in Wenatchee wanted to thank the chapter for the plaque
that we sent for their contribution for Building 10.
A: Benediction given by Chaplain Topness
B: There being no further business, Motion to adjourn made by Sean Gray
was seconded by Paul Nelson , carried, meeting adjourned at 1854.
Respectfully submitted: L. “Willie” Nelson_,
L. “Willie” Nelson, Secretary
Date: December 14, 2024
Time: 1750PM
Meeting was called to order by: ALR Washington Chapter 149 Director Dave Garrett at The American Legion in Bremerton, Washington.
Officers Present
Director: Dave Garrett- P Assistant Director: Mitch Halloran- E
Secretary: L. “Willie” Nelson- P Treasurer: Paul Nelson- P
Chaplain: Dick Topness- PA Sergeant at Arms: Sean Gray- P
Events Coord: VACANT Quartermaster: Pete Gould- P
Historian/Web: Paul Nelson- P Membership Coord: Pete Gould- P
Road Captain: Paul Nelson- P Asst Road Captain: Willie Nelson- P
Single Strikethrough= EXCUSED Double Strikethrough= ABSENT
Total Membership present with Officers: 19
New Members:
Guests: 4
Invocation: Given By Chaplain Topness
Minutes: Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the previous month made by Paul Nelson by Sheryl Bakery . Motion carried.
Treasurers Report:
Motion to Waive the Treasurers report Made by Sheryl Baker , Seconded by Pete Gould - Motion carries
Membership Report: 26 Members, 26 paid to date, Motion to Waive the Membership Report, made by Sheryl Baker , Seconded by Randy Kneff – Motion Carries
Statements from Guests/New Members
School House
January- Rick Becker
Old Business
A: Motion by Dave Marsland to waive all business agendas for the meeting with
the exception of Officer voting, seconded by Sean Grey- Motion Carried
B: Motion by Rick Baker that the Secretary cast the unanimous ballot for the
2025 Officers, was seconded by Sean Grey, Motion Carried
Secretary Nelson cast the unanimous ballot for the Officers
New Business
A: None
Runs & Events
Good of the Order
A: Sheryl Baker introduced the thank you plaque for the Wenatchee Post 10 for
their donation to the Auxiliary from their donation for Building 10
A: Benediction and Blessing for the Chapter Christmas Party given by Chaplain Topness
B: There being no further business, Motion to adjourn made by Dave Marsland
was seconded by Paul Nelson , carried, meeting adjourned at 1755.
Respectfully submitted: L. “Willie” Nelson_,
L. “Willie” Nelson, Secretary
Date: November 12, 2024
Time: 6:00PM
Meeting was called to order by: ALR Washington Chapter 149 Director Dave Garrett at The American Legion in Bremerton, Washington.
Officers Present
Director: Dave Garrett- P Assistant Director: Mitch Halloran- P
Secretary: L. “Willie” Nelson- P Treasurer: Paul Nelson- P
Chaplain: Dick Topness- PA Sergeant at Arms: Sean Gray- P
Events Coord: VACANT Quartermaster: Pete Gould- P
Historian/Web: Paul Nelson- P Membership Coord: Pete Gould- P
Road Captain: Paul Nelson- P Asst Road Captain: Willie Nelson- P
Total Membership present with Officers: 10
New Members: 0
Guests: 1 Richard Kruzner
Invocation: Not Given
Minutes: Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the previous month
made by Paul Nelson by Sean Gray . Motion carried.
Treasurers Report:
Checking/Operations Account: $ 0000.12
Down Riders Account: $ 000.38 (Flowers sent for Bert Montgomery)
Cash Box : $500
Motion to Accept the Treasurers report Made by Sheryl Baker , Seconded by Sean Gray - Motion carries
Membership Report: 26 Members, 26 paid to date, Motion to Accept the Membership Report, made by Dave Marsland , Seconded by Sheryl Baker -Motiom Carries
Statements from Guests/New Members
School House
Rick Becker- Not Given, Hold over to January
January- Rick Becker
Old Business
A: Chapter Christmas Party, Dec 14, 5PM Social Hour, Voting and Dinner at 6PM,
White Elephant gift exchange ($25 Limit) Sheryl Baker has offered to do the cooking and Larry Phillips has volunteered to help out. The Appetizers will be pot luck. Menu planned for members is Ham, Scalloped potatoes, bacon wrapped asparagus and a dessert. A tip Jar will be put out to buy drink cards for Larry Phillips. Motion by Sheryl Baker to do the cooking was seconded by Dave Marsland, Motion Carried
New Business
A: Nominations for 2025 Chapter Officers;
Director: Dave Garrett Asst Director: Mitch Halloran
Secretary: Willie Nelson Treasurer: Paul Nelson
Runs & Events
A: 47th Annual Olympia ABATE Toy Run is Dec 7th
Good of the Order
A: Would like to see more riders in attendance for the General Membership
B: The ROMP for 2025 will be in Tombstone, AZ Sept 18-21.
C: Gina Gray’s father has passed away, a motion by Willie Nelson to expend $100
for flowers for the family was seconded by Dave Marsland, 9 Aye, 0 Nay,
information will be obtained from Sean Gray as to where and when to send
D: Secr5etary Nelson has gotten the business cards and members have taken some
of them
E: North Kitsap ABATE Toy Drive for ST Michaels hospital, there is a toy barrel
in the post
A: No Benediction given.
B: There being no further business, Motion to adjourn made by Dave Marsland
was seconded by Sean Gray , motioned carried, meeting adjourned at 1830.
Respectfully submitted: L. “Willie” Nelson_,
L. “Willie” Nelson, Secretary