Date: August 13, 2024 Time: 6:01PM
Meeting was called to order by: ALR Washington Chapter 149 Director Dave Garrett at The American Legion in Bremerton, Washington.
Officers Present
Director: Dave Garrett- P Assistant Director: Mitch Halloran- P
Secretary: L. “Willie” Nelson- P Treasurer: Paul Nelson- P
Chaplain: Dick Topness- E Sergeant at Arms: Sean Gray- P
Events Coord: VACANT Quartermaster: Pete Gould- P
Historian/Web: Paul Nelson- P Membership Coord: Pete Gould- P
Road Captain: Paul Nelson- P Asst Road Captain: L "Willie" Nelson- P
Total Membership present with Officers: 12
New Members: 0
Guests: 1- Scotty Meren
Invocation: None Given
Minutes: Motion to accept the reading of the minutes from the previous month
made by Sean Gray seconded by Paul Nelson. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report:
Checking/Operations Account: $ 0000.12
Down Riders Account: $ 0000.53
Cash Box : $500
Motion to Accept the Treasurers report Made by Sheryl Baker , Seconded by Sean Gray - Motion carries
Membership Report: 29 Members, 24 paid to date
Statements from Guests/New Members
School House
Zach Hauser- He recently took a trip along the Coast Highway. This was a totally
new experience and in hind sight, wished he had a better idea of what to
expect. His questions were ho do some of the more seasoned riders prepare for
tips? What are some of the things you look at and locations for stops and
breaks. There is a lot of accident data available that indicates the causes
of most crashes and most are solo events. Items such as excess speed,
inexperienced at long distance riding, not practicing basic life saving
maneuvers, impairment, and fatigue. As most of us know, when we were in the
service, we had training and drills to maintain proficiency, bike riding and
handling safely is a perishable skill. So, practice in a parking lot by doing
the figure 8’s and the quick stops drills.
September- Rick Baker
Old Business
A: Mitch Halloran for the “SYLALR” Stickers/Decals Tabled till 2025 season
B: Need to get with the officers as to the information and layout ALR Business
Cards to distribute. Up to $200 for the printing has been authorized by the
membership. Zach Hauser has used a site called CANVA.COM and their costs are
low. Have a general idea and Secretary Nelson to order.
New Business
A: Paul Nelson- Is willing to start training a replacement for the Treasurer
position. Adjutant Nelson noted that we need to start looking at other
members taking some of the officer positions.
Runs & Events
A: SEP 7: KSU for kids. Starts at Garage at 11AM. Rick Baker and Willie Nelson
will be road guards for this. A motion by Rick Baker to purchase a drink card
for $30 form the post was seconded by Dave Marsland, Motion carried, 11 Aye,
0 Nay
B: Aug 24: There is a hot rod and bike shop at DHD supporting a local family.
KSU 1030 Cost is $20
Good of the Order
A: Would like to see more riders in attendance for the General Membership
B: There was a great turn out for the western ROMP on Belling from the chapter,
the ROMP for 2025 will be in Tombstone, AZ Sept 18-21.
D: Rick Baker- Kitsap County Fair is Aug 21-25. Some time slots are still
available for manning the booth
E: Secretary Nelson noted that the post Picnic will be Aug 31 at the Bremerton
F: Secretary Nelson noted that for 2024 911 (on Sep 14) Run looking at going
east this year. Go to Bellingham on the Friday, Saturday ride the North
Cascades HWY or HWY 2, stay Wenatchee and then back to Bremerton on Sunday.
Wenatchee has been in contact with hotels in the area and is working on
lodging. Bellingham asking if proceeds can go to the Cheesecake Run.
G: Director Garrett- Noted that the 2025 ALR State Rally will be in Yelm, Aug 8-
H: Director Garrett received a check from the proceeds of the “Thunder on the
Columbia” ride. This is for Retsil, need at least 2 people going and pictures
for delivery of the check.
A: Benediction not given
B: There being no further business, Motion to adjourn made by Paul Nelson
was seconded by Sean Gray, carried, meeting adjourned at 1859
Respectfully submitted: L. “Willie” Nelson_, Secretary
Date: July 09, 2024 Time: 6:00PM
Meeting was called to order by: ALR Washington Chapter 149 Director Dave Garrett at The American Legion in Bremerton, Washington.
Officers Present
Director: Dave Garrett- P Assistant Director: Mitch Halloran- E
Secretary: L. “Willie” Nelson- P Treasurer: Paul Nelson- P
Chaplain: Dick Topness- P Sergeant at Arms: Sean Gray- P
Events Coord: VACANT Quartermaster: Pete Gould- E
Historian/Web: Paul Nelson- P Membership Coord: Pete Gould- E
Road Captain: Paul Nelson- P Asst Road Captain: L "Willie" Nelson- P
Total Membership present with Officers: 8
New Members: 0
Guests: 0
Invocation: Given by Chaplain Topness
Minutes: Motion to accept the reading of the minutes from the previous month
made by Sean Gray seconded by Zach Hauser , Motion carried.
Treasurers Report:
Checking/Operations Account: $ 0000.12
Down Riders Account: $ 0000.51
Cash Box : $500
Motion to Accept the Treasurers report Made by Sean Gray , Seconded by
Zach Hauser- Motion carries
Membership Report: No Report Given
Statements from Guests/New Members
School House
Sean Gray- (from Hot weather riding- A motorcyclist died due to
high heat in Death Valley. Because of the excessive temps, life flight
couldn’t fly. A risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion and more can affect
decision and judgement while riding. You need to understand the Heat Index
and Humidity, with high humidity your body’s cooling is not as efficient
through sweating. Riding in temps in excess of 90F takes precautions and
above 103F is not recommended. Watch for excessive sweating, fatigue,
dizziness and confusion, nausea or headaches. To help with heat, wear
appropriate gear, ventilated, cool suits, cooldanas, and stay hydrated. Not
just water, but also for electrolyte replacement. Know when to stop to cool
off yourself and your bike. Each person’s makeup is different so be attentive
to your own sensations, AND TAKE REGULAR BREAKS
August- Zach Hauser
Old Business
A: Mitch Halloran for the “SYLALR” Stickers/Decals ran with a different laminate
and there is a problem with separations. Researching in progress.
B: Need to get with the officers as to the information and layout ALR Business
Cards to distribute. Up to $200 for the printing has been authorized by the
membership. Zach Hauser has used a site called CANVA.COM and their costs are
low. Further research to happen
New Business
A: Sheryl Baker- (From Schoolhouse) Noted by Zach Hauser that for electrolyte
supplements there is a product to mix with water called liquid IV. A motion
by Dick Topness to purchase a variety pack to try out, not to exceed $50 was
seconded by Zach Hauser Discussion: ‘Sheryl Baker researched the amount and
Qty’s, and motion was amended not to exceed $60. Sheryl Baker said she will
order. 7 Aye, 0 Nay
B: Sheryl Baker- It is the time again for Doc Luvs Kids donation to the non-
profit by Doc Blackwell, Motion to donate $250 to Doc Luvs Kids was seconded
by Paul Nelson, 7 Aye, 0 Nay
Runs & Events
A: Jul 13: North Kitsap ABATE is holding their Christmas in July Toy Run. Noon
at the Clover Leaf and ends at Destination HD
B: Jul 24: Veterans Alliance VMC Ride out of the Brass Lantern in Tacoma starts
C: Jul 27: VFW Run out of the Hi-Tide in Port Orchard
D: Aug 10: Hombres Annual Canal ride Starts at Destination, ends at Legion, KSU
12 Noon
E: AUG 8-11: Western ROMP- Bellingham Please go to the website to pre-register
and hotel reservations. (Best Western 360-676-7700 tell them with Bellingham
Legion Riders)
F: AUG 8-11: ALR State Rally to be held in Amboy
Good of the Order
A: Would like to see more riders in attendance for the General Membership
B: Secretary Nelson- Legion Convention will be held in Kennewick July 12-14
D: Rick Baker- In conjunction with the VFW, there will be a booth for a
membership event at the Kitsap Fair August 21-25. Fair Hours are from 10Am to
9PM except the last day closes at 6PM. Sheryl Baker will contact the
Auxiliary Members for assistance. There is a sign-up “Watch Bill” for
E: Secretary Nelson noted that the post Picnic will be Aug 31 at the Bremerton
F: Secretary Nelson noted that for 2024 911 (on Sep 14) Run looking at going
east this year. Go to Bellingham on the Friday, Saturday ride the North
Cascades HWY top Wenatchee and then back to Bremerton on Sunday
G: The Chapter has received a donation from Caron Mikels with Lee’s passing.
Thank you to all who attended Lee’s Celebration of Life.
H: Secretary Nelson wanted to thank all who participated in the ride around the
canal on Monday Jul 8
A: Benediction given by Chaplain Topness
B: There being no further business, Motion to adjourn made by Paul Nelson
was seconded by Sean Gray, carried, meeting adjourned at 1846
Respectfully submitted: L. “Willie” Nelson,
L. “Willie” Nelson, Secretary
Date: June 11, 2024 Time: 6:02PM
Meeting was called to order by: ALR Washington Chapter 149 Asst Director Mitch Halloran at The American Legion in Bremerton, Washington.
Officers Present
Director: Dave Garrett- E Assistant Director: Mitch Halloran- P
Secretary: L. “Willie” Nelson- P Treasurer: Paul Nelson- P
Chaplain: Dick Topness- P Sergeant at Arms: Sean Gray- P
Events Coord: VACANT Quartermaster: Pete Gould- P
Historian/Web: Paul Nelson- P Membership Coord: Pete Gould- P
Road Captain: Paul Nelson - P Asst Road Captain: Willie Nelson- P
Total Membership present with Officers: 12
New Members: 0
Guests: 0
Invocation: Given by Chaplain Topness
Minutes: Motion to accept the reading of the minutes from the previous month
made by Pete Gould seconded by Paul Nelson , Motion carried.
Treasurers Report:
Checking/Operations Account: $ 000.12
Down Riders Account: $ 000.49
Cash Box : $500
Rick Baker asking what was the amounts raised on the burger Burn
Motion to Accept the Treasurers report Made by Sean Gray , Seconded by
Dick Topness Motion carries
Membership Report: 29_ members, _23 _ Paid to date, motion to accept by Sean Gray, seconded by Dave Marsland,
Motion carries.
Non-current members, Secretary has sent emails out for response.
Statements from Guests/New Members
School House
Pete Gould- With riding season starting and weather getting better, be aware of
road construction including grooved pavements, un-even surfaces from grinding.
Be aware of cones, barrels and pylons that may have been moved from being hit
by other vehicles. Be alert for congested and stopped traffic, watch new and
unmarked pavement, and in a lot of places chip sealing operations. Brought up
also was with dump trucks for construction, watch following them due to loads
being blown off even with the free-board allowed. Temperatures also cause some
semi tires to disintegrate, so pass with care and rapidly.
July-Sean Gray
Old Business
A: Mitch Halloran for the “SYLALR” Stickers/Decals ran with a different laminate
and there is a problem with separations. Researching in progress.
B: June 29- Celebration of Life for Past ALR 149 Asst Director/Squadron 149
S.A.L. Commander at 2PM
New Business
A: Rick Baker- With the fair approaching and attending events, he was wondering
about the possibility of ALR Business Cards to distribute. Motion by Rick
Baker to expend up to $200 for the printing of ALR Business Cards as
determined by the officers for membership generation and interest, seconded
by Dave Marsland- 10 Aye, 0 Nay
Runs & Events
A: Jun 15: VFW Run out of the Red Dog Saloon in Port Orchard
B: Jun 22: Warrior Brotherhood Run starts at Destination Harley Davidson
C: Aug 10: Hombres Annual Canal ride Starts at Destination, ends at Legion, KSU
12 Noon
D: AUG 8-11: Western ROMP- Bellingham
E: AUG 8-11: ALR State Rally to be held in Amboy
Good of the Order
A: Would like to see more riders in attendance for the General Membership
B: Carson Post Riders are looking at holding a ride up in the Bremerton area
on June 22. They will be stopping at the post for a meet and greet.
C: Secretary Nelson- Legion Convention will be held in Kennewick July 12-14
D: Rick Baker- In conjunction with the VFW, there will be a booth for a
membership event at the Kitsap Fair August 21-25. This will not cost the post
anything, but need volunteers to man the booth, Rick can man on Wed, THU and
Sun Day Shift, need others for manpower, Sat Day: Mitch Halloran and Dave
Marsland, CDR Marsland will go to the other legs to get more volunteers from
each pillar. Fair Hours are form 10Am to 9PM except the last day closes at
6PM. Rick Baker is working on making a “Watch Bill” for this fore volunteers
E: Kandi Neff donated some of her personal artwork for raffle prizes
F: Secretary Nelson noted that for the ROMP there will be a whale Watching
cruise. See Bellingham Riders website for info
G: Secretary Nelson noted that the post Picnic will be Aug 31 at the Bremerton
H: Secretary Nelson noted that for 2024 911 (on Sep 14) Run looking at going
east this year. Go to Bellingham on the Friday, Saturday ride the North
Cascades HWY top Wenatchee and then back to Bremerton on Sunday
I: Assistant Director wanted to thank all who helped out at the June Steak
A: Benediction given by Chaplain Topness
B: There being no further business, Motion to adjourn made by Sean Gray
was seconded by Pete Gould, carried, meeting adjourned at 1842
Respectfully submitted: L. “Willie” Nelson_,
L. “Willie” Nelson, Secretary