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American Legion Albert C. Kean Post 149                          
4922 Kitsap Way​
Bremerton, Washington. 98312​
Lounge and Office: 360-373-8983​
Fax: 360-627-7472


POST 2024-2025

Commander - Dave Marsland

1st Vice CDR - DR. Lee FElder

2nd Vice CDR - Cailin Goldey

Finance Officer - Rick Baker

Adjutant - L. Willie Nelson

Chaplin - Dick Topness

Historian - Dave Riley

SGT at Arms - Ernest Williams III

Service Officer - Vacant

Webmaster - Willie Nelson

                         Paul Nelson

AUX 2024-2025

President - Keri WIlliams

1st Vice - Carolyn Topness

2nd Vice -  VACANT

Secretary - Cathy Unesco Dunn

Treasurer- Vacant


Membership- Sheryl Baker

Chaplin - Shirley Robinson

Historian - Debbie Viele

SGT at Arms - Honour  Robinson

SAL 2024-2025

Commander - Larry Phillips

1st Vice CDR - Vacant

2nd Vice CDR - Vacant

Adjutant - Larry Meyers

Finance Officer - Larry Myers

Chaplin - Gerald Lund

Historian - Morris THompson

SGT at Arms - Scott Ablitt

RIDERS 2024-2025

Director - Dave Garrett

Assistant Director - Mitch Halloran

Secretary - Willie Nelson

Treasurer - Paul Nelson

SGT at Arms - Sean Gray

Webmaster - Paul Nelson 

Road Captain - Paul Nelson

Membership - Pete Gould

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