American Legion Riders
Motorcycle Association
June 2023
Revision Date Revised by Items Revised
0 2001 Secretary Original Document
1 04/08/2014 Dave Marsland Secretary Not tracked
2 06/13/2023 L. “Willie” Nelson Secretary Added Cover Page
Added Revision Page
Added Table of Contents
Noted Page Numbers, revision Date and title of document
Article I: Section B, Added “highway capable”
Section D, Added “Maintain membership roster and phone numbers, may opt out
Section E. Added “if not a member as defined in a-d above.
Article IV: Section F, Added “hand signal chart”
Article XI: Added Section D for Apparel compliance
Article XII: Section B, Changed secretary to “elected officer”
American Legion Riders Chapter 149 Bylaws
Table of Contents
Purpose…………………………………………......................... 1
Section A Current Member in Good Standing: …………………...1
Section B Spouse of Member and size restriction: ………….....1
Section C Post affiliation: .……………………………………………....... 1
Section D Membership Coordinator Duties: ……………..…....… 2
Section E Support Members: ….…………………………………......... 2
ARTICLE II: OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION ..………..................…...…..2
Section A Director: …………………………………………….............……. 2
Section B Assistant Director: …………………………......………….….. 2
Section C Secretary: …………………………………………...........….…… 2
Section D Treasurer: ………………………………………...........………… 2
Section E Sergeant-AT-Arms*……………………………….......………. 2
Section F Membership Coordinator*: ….……………………….…… 2
Section G Historian*: ………………………………………………............. 2
Section H Quartermaster*: …………………………………...........….... 2
Section I Events Coordinator: ………………………………….......…… 2
Section J Road Captain*: ………………..…………………..……............ 2
Section K Webmaster* ………………………………………...........…....... 2
Section L Chaplain* ……………………….………….............……………... 2
(*-Denotes appointed positions at discretion of Director)
ARTICLE III: ELECTIONS AND OFFICE POSITIONS ................................ 2
Section A Election Cycle: …………………..…………………….………...... 2
Section B Memberships with other Groups/MC’s: .…………….... 2
Section C Married Officer Positions: ………………………………...…..2
Section D Support members: …………………………………………...…. 2
Section A Director: …………….…………………………………………......... 2
Section B Assistant Director:…………………………………………….….. 2
Section C Secretary: ………..……………………………………………..........2
Section D Treasurer: ……….………………………………………............... 2
Section E Sergeant-AT-Arms……..…………………........……..………… 3
Section F Membership Coordinator: …………………..….…………… 3
Section G Historian: ……..……………………………\...............………….. 3
Section H Quartermaster: ……………………………………..........……… 3
Section I Events Coordinator: …..………….…………….......……….… 3
Section J Road Captain: ..………………..………………….............……... 3
Section K Webmaster: ..…………………………………..........……….….....3
Section L Chaplain: ………………………………………........……………….. 3
ARTICLE V: MEETINGS ….………………………………........................…….……. 3
Section A Time/Place of Regular Meetings: ..………………..……….. 3
Section 2 Special Meetings: ……………………………………….....………. 3
ARTICLE VI: FINANCES-Membership Dues and Standing
Expenditures ..………..................................................……………..………………...……. 3
Section A Annual Dues and Arrears: …..………………………………….... 3
Section B Increase in Dues: ……………………………......…………….………3
Section C Treasurer and Secretary authorized expenditures: …… 4
Section D Expenditure of Funds: ……………………………………...……... 4
American Legion Riders Chapter 149 Bylaws
ARTICLE VII: DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS .................................................... 4
Section A Non-profit and procedure:………………..……….………………...4
ARTICLE VIII: CHARTER MEMBERSHIP………………….........................….………. 4
Section A CLOSED: …..…………………………………………..............………..….4
ARTICLE IX: AMERICAN LEGION AFFILIATED POST ……….......................…..4
Section A Chapter Within A Post and Voting: ……………………...….…...4
ARTICLE X: SAFETY………………………………………............................................4
Section A Organized Riding Rules: …..……….………………….................. 4
Section B Completion of Cycle Safety Course: .…………………….…...... 4
ARTICLE XI: APPAREL ………….………………………………............................……… 4
Section A patch configuration: ………..………………................................ 4
Section B Other Patches And Pins: ….………………………………………...... 4
Section C Non ALR Member Patch: ………….......……………………………… 4
ARTICLE XII: GOVERNING RULES .……………………………............................……… 4
Section A Chapter By-law Authority: ………………………………….....……....4
Section B By-law Amendment procedure: ………………………………..…... 5
Section C Personal Conduct: …………………………………………….........……. 5
ARTICLE XIII: ORDER ………………………….…………………………................................. 5
Section A “Roberts Rules of Order”: …………………….…………........…….... 5
Section B Rules Suspension or Re-instatement: .……….………..…………. 5
American Legion Riders Chapter 149 Bylaws
American Legion Riders
Motorcycle Association
To participate in parades and other ceremonies that is within the Aims and Purpose of the American Legion. To provide a social atmosphere for American Legion members and their families who share an interest in motorcycling. To promote motorcycle safety and support other motorcycle organizations. To promote further brotherhood among motorcycle groups, we are a non-territorial/non-confrontational veteran’s motorcycle association. The purpose of this Association is to promote and support programs of the American Legion and our communities.
I. Requirements for Membership: The candidate must meet the requirements of both parts A & B.
A. A current member in good standing of the American Legion, Auxiliary or Son of the American Legion or the spouse of said member.
B. The member or their spouse must own a street legal motorcycle highway capable (NO ATV’s). Said motorcycle must be licensed and insured in Accordance with the laws of Washington State.
C. Members of an American Legion Post who are not affiliated with an American Legion Riders (ALR) Chapter are permitted to join a local chapter that is affiliated with the ALR; provided they meet the Legion membership requirements. They will not be required to change Post affiliation to become members of the local chapter’s ALRs.
American Legion Riders Chapter 149 Bylaws 1 June 2023
D. The Membership Coordinator shall assign a sponsor to new members to ensure that they are welcomed into our organization and supply a copy of the ALR Constitution and Bremerton 149 By-Laws. These documents may be provided either electronically (e-mail) or in hard copy. Maintain membership roster and phone numbers, may opt out.
E. Members of the American Legion Family (i.e. Legion, Auxiliary, SAL), that support activities and participate in events will be considered to be support members. If not a member as defined in a-d above
II. Officers of the Association
Assistant Director
Membership Coordinator*
Events Coordinator*
Road Captain*
(* These offices are at the discretion of the Chapter, and may be combined and/or appointed by the Director.)
III. Elections and Office Positions
A. The elections will be held annually with nominations occurring in November. The elections will be held in December with a transition period for new officers throughout December and will assume their elected offices by the first regularly scheduled meeting in January of the following year.
B. No officer within ALR, Washington Chapter; Bremerton Post 149, shall hold an elected office in another Motorcycle organization, association or Motorcycle Club.
C. Married couples or partners may not each hold an elected office at the same time. With the exception of one member may hold an elected office and the other may hold an appointed office.
D. Support members shall have no voting power nor may hold an elected office.
IV. Duties of Association Chapter Officers
A. Director: Shall have general supervision over the affairs of the Association. He/She shall perform such other duties as directed by the general membership. He/She shall not have a vote in issues of the Association except in the event of a tie; he/she shall cast the deciding vote. The Director, in conjunction with the Secretary, or with an appointed representative shall provide a means of liaison with other Washington Chapters and National organizations within the American Legion Riders and American Legion. If the office of Director is vacant, then the Assistant Director shall assume these duties. Director shall be second signatory on the Chapter Financial Accounts.
B. Assistant Director: Shall assume the duties of the Director in then event of his/her absence. He/She shall assist the Director in the performance of his/ her duties when called upon to do so by the Director.
C. Secretary: He/She will keep a full and correct record of all proceeding at the meetings. The Secretary should also present and record detailed minutes of each regular meeting. He/She will serve as the Liaison to the ALR Advisory Committee and serve as administrative coordinator in preparing correspondence in regards to Association affairs and prepare required correspondence for submission to the Director for his/her approval and signature.
D. Treasure: To have charge of all finances of the Association. To have charge of disbursing funds as directed by the general membership. Present at regularly scheduled meetings the latest detailed financial reports. (Copies will be furnished to the sponsoring Post upon request).
American Legion Riders Chapter 149 Bylaws 2 June 2023
E. Sergeant-AT-Arms: Is responsible for maintaining order during meetings of the ALR and will assist the Road Captain during planned rides held by the ALRs.
F. Membership Coordinator: Shall maintain all membership records as may be required by the general membership of the Association. Serve as a point of contact for individuals who are interested in joining American Legion Riders, Post 149 Bremerton. He/ she will supply all new members with a copy of the ALR’s Constitution for Washington State Chapter’s and Bremerton Chapter’s By-Laws. These documents may be provided either electronically (e-mail) or in hard copy and hand signal chart
G. Historian: Shall maintain a pictorial and narrative account regarding the history of the Association.
H. Quartermaster: To maintain an inventory of items related to the Association determines the price of these items for the general membership. He/she shall make these items available at meetings and other functions as he/she deems appropriate and maintain records of their purchase and sales. Any profits above $150 will be turned over to the Treasure that day if at all possible. This position is normally filled by the Treasurer, unless appointed otherwise by the Executive Committee.
I. Events Coordinator: Shall be in charge of appointed committees for sponsored activities and to provide information during meetings for events and parades that the Association may elect to either sponsor or attend. The Events Coordinator may appoint assistants at his/her discretion.
J. Road Captain: He/She will be the logistics person in charge of all organized runs of the Association. He/She will work in conjunction with the Events Coordinator in determining days, times, routes and meeting places for those taking part in sponsored activities. He/She will conduct safety briefings for all participants and demonstrate hand signals for all riders. He/She may, at his/her discretion appoint an Assistant Road Captain(s) and take any other measures deemed necessary to ensure the safety of the group during the run. He/She shall fulfill the duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms in his/her absence.
K. Webmaster: He/She will maintain the Association Web Site in an up-to-date status of its officers, upcoming events and other items of interest as agreed upon by the general membership. This includes the promoting the organization through the use of its Web Site. He/She will act as the Public Affairs Officers through use of this Web Site.
L. Chaplain: Shall perform such divine and non-sectarian services as required, adhering to such spiritual rituals prescribed by National, Post and membership.
V. Meetings
A. The regular meetings will be held at a prescribe date, time and place. These meeting shall normally be held at the Albert C. Kean Post, Bremerton, WA, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, at 6:00 PM. This is subject to change as voted on by the majority of members at any regular meeting. Seven members or 10% of the membership will constitute a quorum.
B. The ALR of Bremerton Post 149, in conjunction with the scheduled meetings each month, and at his/her discretion the Director may call for special meetings. These meetings may be held at any location, but will normally be held at the chapter’s local American Legion Post, the Albert C. Kean Post 149, Bremerton, WA.
VI. Finances: Membership Fees and Standing Expenditures
A. The annual membership fee for the ALR Bremerton 149 is twenty-five ($25) dollars. Dues shall be considered paid from January 1st through December 31st of each year. Dues are required to be paid no later than the December meeting. Members whose dues become ninety (90) days or more in arrears will have their membership suspended until their dues become current. Members whose dues become one hundred twenty (120) days in arrears will become inactivated and removed from the membership roster. In addition, it is requested the surrendering of their membership card and NOT wear the ALR patches. All records will be maintained by the Membership Coordinator or an appointed representative by the Director.
B. To increase in cost of membership will be determined by vote from the majority of members present at the October
American Legion Riders Chapter 149 Bylaws 3 June 2023
meeting each year. The rate of dues voted on, will become effective January 1 of the coming year. Members renewing can avoid the increase in dues by paying them prior to December 31st in the year in which the increase was approved. Membership dues will be prorated quarterly, for example, a member joining in September would be charged ¼ of the current annual dues.
C. The Treasurer may expend up to twenty dollars ($20.) per month (not on an accumulative basis) for Accepted Procedures of Accounting. The Secretary may expend up to fifteen dollars ($15) per month (not on an accumulative basis) for supplies used in maintaining an informed membership and correspondence required in the best interests of the Chapter. Both offices will account for expended funds at the next regular meeting.
D. All new expenditures of funds will be voted on by show of hands from the general membership at regular meetings. Checks will require the signature of either the Director or Treasure on the Chapter’s checking account.
VII: Disbursement of Funds
A. The ALR will be a non-profit organization operating under an affiliated Post and may only disburse funds in a manner that is keeping with all local, state and national laws regarding non-profit organizations.
VIII: Charter Membership
A. Charter Membership in the American Legion Riders, Washington Chapter, Bremerton 149 has been closed.
IX: American Legion affiliated Post
A. A post can support an ALR chapter by petitioning the Commander of that Post for affiliation with. To become affiliated with that Post, the Commander of the proposed affiliating with Post will task the Director of the Chapter to hold a vote within the entire membership. To effect change, there must be an approved two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all current members. Voting may take place either in person, by mail or electronically.
X: Safety
A. For the safety of all ALR members participating in an organized ride, the Association as a group, shall always
ride in a staggered formation, all the while maintaining proper spacing.
B. For Individual and Association safety, all new members joining the Bremerton 149 Chapter shall within eight (8)
months of joining ALR Bremerton 149, show proof of completion of an approved motorcycle Safety Course. Those
who do not or can not show such proof, will be asked to no longer wear the ALR Patch.
XI: Apparel
A. Patches will be configured within the guidelines of The National, Department and Post By-Laws and Resolution 35. Specifically, the use of rockers will be eliminated and Officer positions within a Chapter shall be designated by a patch or pin worn on the front of said garment.
B. Other patches, pins and wearing of head covers i.e. doo-rags may be worn. Wearing of offensive patches, pins and head cover is not allowed. Use Discretion! POW-MIA flag, if worn shall be the highest patch/pin worn on the right crest of vest or jacket.
C. Non ALR members, but members of the Legion Family (i.e. Legion, Auxiliary or S.A.L.) who support the ALR may wear the 4 ½" patch on the front or back of an outer garment.
D. Apparel must be in compliance with State and National directives
XII: Governing Rules
A. The By-Laws of the Washington Chapter Bremerton 149 are for that chapter and may be used as reference guide for any new chapter in writing their own individual By-Laws. These rules shall be no less stringent than those contained in the National and State Chapter of Legion Riders nor can they be in any conflict with the National Constitution and By-Laws of the American Legion and that of the affiliating Post.
American Legion Riders Chapter 149 Bylaw 4 June 20203
B. The Director of the Chapter may appoint a committee to amend the By-Laws that govern the membership. The
Committee shall consist of an elected officer and at least two (2) other members. The committee members should be in odd numbers to preclude tie votes on any issue. These amendments shall be no less stringent than those contained in the National Chapter By-Laws nor can they be in any Conflict with the National Constitution and By Laws of the American Legion, Department or that of the affiliated with Post.
C. Any member who brings disgrace or discredit upon the Association or other members, may receive a Letter of
Censure, expulsion or suspension from the Association as recommended by the Elected Officers. This will be invoked by a majority vote of the general membership present at a regularly scheduled general meeting
XIII: Order
A. All meetings shall be conducted under “Roberts Rules of Order”.
B. The Rules may be suspended and/or reinstated at anytime by a motion and voice vote to do so.
_____ON FILE_____________ ON FILE______ _______
Approved: Director Date Approved: Secretary Date
Dave Garrett Leo “Willie” Nelson
American Legion Riders American Legion Riders
Washington Chapter Washington Chapter
Bremerton 149 Bremerton 149
_____ON FILE _______________ _______ON FILE ______ _
Noted: Commander Post 149 Date Noted: Adjutant Post 149 Date
Bremerton, WA Bremerton, WA
Revised 06/13/2023
American Legion Riders Chapter 149 Bylaws 5 June 2023