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Links & Resources
Welcome to our links page. We invite you to suggest new links you feel would be of interest to veterans and their families. We also ask that you report any links which are no longer valid or otherwise malfunctioning to the Webmaster so we can delete them. Please be aware that neither the Post nor the American Legion accepts any responsibility for the content of these links.​ Just click on the first word or two below on each site and it will open in a new window. Remember, newer browsers will open it in a new tab.​
A â–²
All About Military Wreaths and Veteran Support - Veterans face a unique set of challenges because the military is more than a job. It's very much a way of life, and many members of the armed forces and their families have serious struggles to contend with as a result. Fortunately, there are many resources available to veterans and their families. These programs strive to provide the support veterans deserve and are available throughout the country.
American Legion Riders Bremerton Chapter 149
American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters
American Legion Department of Washington
American Legion Emblem Sales
American Legion National Headquarters
B â–²
Benefits Checkup - This is a free service for those 55 and older which will provide information about state and national benefits you are entitled to receive.
C â–²
Cerebral Palsy Guidance - There are many health issues that can prevent a man or woman from serving in the U.S. military. These disqualifications are in place to ensure that those who serve are able to do their job and will not be further hurt or injured because of a medical condition. While the disqualifications are intended to protect all members of the military, some people may be excluded when in reality they could do the job and do it well.
Coast Guard
College Guide for Veterans - Veterans and active service members applying for college qualify for resources that help ease the transition to campus life. Read on for a guide to picking a VA-approved school, scholarships, credit for service experience, and community support.
Constitution of the United States of America
CouponFollow Military Discount Guide - Military service comes with unique challenges, and many companies and organizations show their appreciation by offering special discounts to active-duty personnel, veterans, and their families. This comprehensive guide highlights a wide range of military discounts across various categories, including retail, travel, technology, and more.
D â–²
Dealhack Military & Veteran Discounts Guide - The Dealhack Military & Veteran Discounts Guide is the result of our quarterly survey of brands that offer discounts to veterans, reservists, and active-duty members of the U.S. military. Every three months, all the brands listed in this guide are individually verified for accuracy.
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
F â–²
Fleet Reserve Association
G â–²
H â–²
Housing Resource for Veterans
Honoring Our Heroes: A Guide to U.S. War Veteran Memorials and Monuments - Here you’ll find history and visitation information surrounding a variety of war memorials and monuments. Disclaimer: This guide is provided by © Impact Signs Inc. which has been hand-crafting the highest quality corporate signs, plaques and architectural sign letters in the industry in their U.S.-based workshops since 1989.
I â–²
Individual Augmentee - Welcome to the U.S. Navy's Individual Augmentee (IA) program website. Mobilizing as an IA is a challenging and rewarding experience. Getting there and back again can be an involved and complicated process. This page should be your guide to navigating a mobilization and keeping you in the loop on what to expect every step of the way.
J â–²
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M ▲​
Marine Corps
Marine Corps League
Medicare Plans Resource For Veterans
Medicare is a federal program that provides health coverage for older adults and some younger adults with disabilities. If you have VA benefits due to your military service, you may be wondering if it's worth signing up for Medicare when you already have access to care at VA facilities. For many veterans, enrolling in Medicare offers an extra level of protection against high out-of-pocket medical costs. Medicare coverage can also give you more flexibility when it comes to choosing the doctors and hospitals that provide your care.
Mesothelioma Hub
Veterans and Mesothelioma
Military Moving Guide: Active Service and Veterans
Military Officers Association of America
Military Records Request Site
N â–²
National Park Service - Free Entrance to National Parks for Current Military, Veterans, and Gold Star Families
Navy League - The Navy League of the United States, founded in 1902 with the support of President Theodore Roosevelt, is a nonprofit civilian, educational and advocacy organization that supports America’s sea services: the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine.
Navy Retired Activities​ - The Retired Activities Branch is dedicated to supporting more than 650,000 Navy retirees (active component and reserve component), families, annuitants, and survivors worldwide.
Non-Commissioned Officers Assoc (NCOA)
P â–²
Q â–²
R â–²
R​e​p​r​e​s​e​n​t​a​t​i​v​e​s​,​ ​U​S​ ​H​o​u​s​e​ ​o​f
Retired Enlisted Association
S â–²
Seat Up - Guide To Entertainment Discounts For Veterans & Active Military
Senators, US. How to contact
Social Security Administration
Sons of the American Legion National Headquarters
​T ▲
Transition Assistance - A free employment resource to existing service members, veterans, reservists, and their family which operates in partnership with the American Legion.
U â–²
V â–²
VA Loan Information
Veterans Advantage - Founded in 2000 by Vietnam Veteran Scott Higgins and his wife, Lin, Veterans Advantage is a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) that creates new, exclusive benefits and discounts for you as active duty, retired military, veteran, guard, reservist, or family member.
Veterans Affairs,​ US Dept of​
Veterans’ Guide To Vocational Schools and Apprenticeship Programs - Our guide helps veterans learn about the benefits of non-traditional postsecondary education and other important details about vocational and apprenticeship programs, such as eligibility, costs, and transitioning to working civilian.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Veterans' Resume and Job Hunting Guide - This guide will cover many of the difficulties veterans face in their job transition, the best industries for veterans, how to find the right job, and how to prepare for the application process.
W â–²
​War on Terrorism - Great site provided by the F.B.I. to help keep you informed of the latest information.
​​Washington State Parks Lifetime Disabled Veteran Pass
Women Veterans of America - On 19 September 1990, Women Veterans of America was formed by four Women Veterans who were in a support group lead by Claudia Mitzeliotis in Broklen, VA.
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