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Historian Page


Historian Report

May 2016


In cleaning out some of the closets, nooks and crannies at the Post, I have accumulated a couple boxes of documents, photos, and various other odds & ends. Sorting through these Historic artifacts is quite a job. I have added some of the more pertinent things to the 2014-2015 History Book which is nearing completion. I have also started working on the 2015-2016 Book but the 2016 term isn’t over yet.  Please be patient and I’m sure you will be pleased with the results of this arduous task.


Please get hold of me if there is anything you can add to the history of our Post. I am not the only one taking pictures of what goes on here at the Post.

>Face Book page for American Legion 149 or

>My e-mail

    or drop the info at the Bar.

The same information can be used for currant activities for this 2015/2016 era. It’s a dual task to try completing last year’s book and compose this year’s book.  

Knowledge of the Past improves planning for the Future


Dave Riley, Post Historian




Historian Report

February 2016


Our bookkeeper Ginny has been organizing our Past records and has come across a bunch of articles, documents and photos from the Ladies Auxiliary and other ancient records. If I can use some of this in our History Book, I will. If any of the ladies are interested, I have a box of these items and will make them available any time by contacting me or Ginny.


The History of our Post is very extensive and much has been lost over the years, but, I have managed to put together a lot of it through library research and have some interesting additions to the “Past History” section of the History Book. Suggestions as to where I can put this Book when finished would be appreciated. As I mentioned last month, the 2014-2015 book will be available shortly and the 2015-2016 Book will be taken to the Department Convention this summer for submission.


A couple of the pages in the 14/15 book will deal with when the USS Constitution “Old Ironsides” visited the shipyard in 1941 and our Post coined a wooden  25 cent coin in her honor. Another page will deal with the Ambulance service our Post provided in 1926. 


Since retirement I have gotten involved with more extra activities than expected and am finding very little time to devote to history research. Hopefully the work on these Books will be interesting enough to satisfy those who will read them.


That’s about it for this issue. Keep in touch.


Knowledge of the Past improves planning for the Future


Dave Riley, Post Historian





Historian Report

January 2016



Never knew what I was getting into when elected to the post of Post Historian. Research is something I love and Hate at the same time. Still working on the 2014/2015 book for the Post. Too late to submit that to Department but would like to put it out for our members. Found a Big hole and trying to fill it as best as I can in the Past History & Activities sections. Information and photos of that period elude me and going through filing cabinets at the post is murder. So that said, I’m going to repeat a statement I’ve made in the past> If anyone has photos and articles of Any past events (recent or ancient) Please get ahold of me.

>Face Book page for American Legion 149 or

>My e-mail

The same information can be used for currant activities for this 2015/2016 era. It’s a dual task to try completing last year’s book and compose this year’s book.  


I came across an old (1943) scrap book from the Ladies Axillary the other day and will try to bring it to the Ladies attention in the near future. I think they would be interested. Love History


 Next month I hope to have the 2014-2015 book finished and will place it where folks can look through it. Until then.


Knowledge of the Past improves planning for the Future


Dave Riley, Post Historian





Historian Report

December 2015


   This will be a repeat of last month’s entry as I have been really swamped. The entry below stands as the same information posted last month with the exception of planning to have the 2014-2015 History Book finished by the first of the year. It may be January before it is finished.

   Work has been slow on the History Books for our Post. I have been doing double duty since my election to the Commanders position and can’t seem to find enough quality time to Turn & Burn on the “Books”.

   I am still looking for any photos and information on the Post activities from July of 2014 through June of 2015 for last year’s book. And, of course, I’ll be starting the 2015-2016 book shortly and will need information on those activities also.

   This is one of the Photos that will be included in the Post Book. For those of you who remember the old building that was on Callow until the turn of the century, the building was moved from the shipyard in 1942 and lasted as Post Home until 1999.


Keep those photos coming.


Dave Riley, Post Historian



Historian Report

November 2015


   Work has been slow on the History Books for our Post. I have been doing double duty since my election to the Commanders position and can’t seem to find enough quality time to Turn & Burn on the “Books”.

   I am still looking for any photos and information on the Post activities from July of 2014 through June of 2015 for last year’s book. And, of course, I’ll be starting the 2015-2016 book shortly and will need information on those activities also.

   I hope to have the 2014-2015 book finished by the end of the year and will leave it where everyone can look through it




Historian Report

September 18,2015


   This will be short & sweet.

I still need any articles, photos and other activities of interest which took place between July of 2014 and July of 2015. I missed the deadline for submitting the 2014/2015 book to Department but would like to complete this edition and place it in the lobby for folks to read and comment on.

   I’ve been really busy with volunteering at the Navy Museum and working part time at my security job but have the 2014/15 book well under way. I think you will be impressed once it is finished.

   That’s about it for now. Keeps those cards and letters coming.

Dave Riley

Post Historian



Historian Report

Date – Aug. 7, 2015


   I believe I mentioned in a prior Historian’s Report that I am in need of input from all members to put into the History Book at the end of each year. When I took the assignment as Historian in June of 2014 I really didn’t have a clue as to what it would entail. I was halfway through my term when I realized how detailed it would be. I started gathering materials late in the term and missed a lot of information the History Book requires. In preparing the Book for the 2014-2015 term, I find I am missing a lot of things that took place during that period. So, to make a long story even longer, the Book for 2014-2015 will be incomplete when finished.

    The Book for 2014/15 will contain a great deal of Past Historical information which I will probably repeat (with additions) in the 2015/16 Post History Book. I have photos and dates for the following 14/15 events:


Halloween (Lounge) 2014

Children’s Christmas party 2014

Armed Forces Day Parade 2015

Memorial Day 2015


If anyone has info (photos, articles, etc.) of the following “Happenings”, Please contact me:


Bathtub Races 2014

Food Baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2014

Thanksgiving at the Post 2014


Any Photos of things our Post did during that term would really be appreciated.


   Hope to see many of you at our next regular meeting Tuesday – August 18 at 6:00 PM.

Dave Riley, Post Historian




​© 2001-2015 Albert C. Kean Post 149, Bremerton Wa. All rights
reserved. The emblems and logos of the American Legion, the American Legion
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