Albert C. Kean Post 149 General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: August 20, 2024 Time: 1800
Roll Call of Officers: (P =Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, V = Vacant. F= Fill In)
Commander: Dave Marsland- P
Adjutant: L. Willie Nelson- P
1st Vice Commander: Lee Felder- P
2nd Vice Commander: Cailin Goldey- P
Finance Officer: Rick Baker- P
Chaplain: Dick Topness- P
Jr Past Commander: Dave Garrett- P
Sgt-At-Arms: Ernie Williams III- P
Sr. and Jr, Color Bearer: VACANT
Historian: Dave Riley- P
Service Officer: VACANT
Guests: Position/Post Representing:
Neil and Cheryl Holland- Church of LDS
Draping of the Charter:
Danny Demars
Opening of the Meeting:
The meeting was opened in the normal manner by Commander Dave Marsland @ 1800 .
19 Members, including Officers, 2 Guests
Minutes of previous meeting:
Motion to accept the reading of the minutes made by Harley Gaddy , seconded by Pete Gould , motion carried.
Finance Officer’s Report:
Finance Officers report read, Motion to accept made by Harley Gaddy , seconded by Ernie Williams , motion carried.
Statements from Guests:
The Hollands are in the area on a ministry assignment for military members of their church. Neil Holland is an Air Force Veteran and this was the
first time in a Veterans organization, and was impressed with the camaraderie shown with the members. They are also looking at helping out with
other veterans in need and any ways they can help.
Sick call:
New Members and Transfers:
New Members- 1, Transfers-0. Motion By Adjutant Nelson was seconded by Harley Gaddy, Motion carried
Membership (Goal 440 ): ( Lee Felder Jr )
- 165_ Traditional + 76 PUFL = 241 ( 54.7 %_) as of Transmittal 25-05 report dtd 08/13/2024 .
Motion to accept by Lee Felder _, Seconded by Harley Gaddy _. Motion recorded.
Activities: (Cailin Goldey)
- Wednesdays. 3-ball pool games starting at 3PM
- Every other Thursday, Boozy Bingo at 7PM
- Fridays Post has King of Clubs 6PM (Amount for 8/19 is $11,259)
- Aug 23, Harley Gaddy’s going away Party
- Wed Aug 28, Joel Gibson will be performing a solo show for the post
- Aug 23, Last night for Doc Luvs Kids School backpack drive for King of Clubs tickets
- Aug 31- Post Picnic Bremerton Elks
Building: (Larry Phillips Primary/Rick Baker Secondary)
- Keg Cooler has been repaired. Unit is old, so still looking at a Glycol system. One estimate came in
at approx. $7k, another bid still waiting for
- PSE Lighting changeout, Completed. With the unballasted LED’s
Legion Riders: (Dave Garrett)
- Annual 911 Run scheduled for Sept 14. May go from west to East this year. Stay Friday Sep 13 in
Bellingham, Saturday in Wenatchee and back to Bremerton on Sunday.
- 2024 Western ROMP in Bellingham was a great success, for the 2025 ROMP will be held in Tombstone Sep 17-21, 2025
Historian: (Dave Riley)
- Working in progress. Having some difficulties and gaps with the activity’s parts of the book
Old Business:
- The Post is in need of a Service Officer. Training is available online and if interested, contact CDR
Spenser Henderson is interested.
- Audit committee- Dana Bolte Chair, Dave Riley member, Spenser Henderson are all the members
New Business and Correspondence:
- Ernie Williams, noted that with the new CPO Season, he can contact the CPOA in the area and see
about volunteer work
Good of The Legion:
- CDR Marsland- If any members have some suggestions for getting more membership participation,
please contact him.
- Congratulations to Travis Lee for the promotion to the rank of Lt Commander
- The Legion Parking Lot on South Lafayette in in need of a custodian. Carl Johnson has volunteered.
CDR Marsland wanted to thank all who helped in the clean up of the parking lot and landscaping of
- Spenser Henderson wanted to thank the post for hospitality during the Hombre’s Annual Run
benefitting Retsil.
- Dave Riley- on Nov 11, The Canadian Legion in Nanaimo is holding their Remembrance Day
celebration, He is asking for volunteers to come to Canada
-Ernie Williams- With the departure of Harley Gaddy, the Auxiliary is needing help with their Juniors
program and is looking for a new coordinator.
- Harley Gaddy noted that this was his last meeting before transfer, and wanted to convey his heartfelt
appreciation and admiration to the post. We have made it feel like a family and we will be always in his
- Matthew Schellenberg, there will be a “Cammie’s to College event where E-1 thru E-6 can get
financial assistance for college. Also on Sep 28, KAVA will be holding another Veteran’s Standdown.
- Matthew Shellenberg, there is currently legislation in the works backed by the American Legion and VFW a waiver to burn unserviceable flags for Veterans Service Organizations in all counties of WA
- Following the meeting, F.O. Baker met with all the fair volunteers to hand out fair passes and what
our jobs were there in the same booth as the VFW.
Motion to adjourn made by Dave Riley , seconded by Spenser Henderson Therefore, being no further business to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned @ 18 .
Willie Nelson Dave Marsland
Adjutant Commander
Meeting Date: July 16, 2024 Time: 1800
Roll Call of Officers: (P =Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, V = Vacant. F= Fill In)
Commander: Dave Marsland- P
Adjutant: L. Willie Nelson- P
1st Vice Commander: Lee Felder- P
2nd Vice Commander: Cailin Goldey- P
Finance Officer: Rick Baker- P
Chaplain: Dick Topness- P
Jr Past Commander: Dave Garrett- P
Sgt-At-Arms: Ernie Williams III- P
Sr. and Jr, Color Bearer: VACANT
Historian: Dave Riley- P
Service Officer: VACANT
Guests: Position/Post Representing:
Bob Theal- 3rd District Commander
Sheryl Baker- Unit 149 Auxiliary Member
Keri Williams- Unit 149 Auxiliary incoming President
Larry Phillips- S.A.L. Squadron Commander
Chrissy Huckabee- Lounge Manager
Alex Rempfer- EBS Attendee from Bremerton HS
Draping of the Charter:
John Bochnovich (Johnny B)
Opening of the Meeting:
The meeting was opened in the normal manner by Commander Dave Marsland @ 1800 .
16 Members, including Officers, 6 Guests
Minutes of previous meeting:
Motion to accept the reading of the minutes made by _Sean Gray , seconded by Dave Garrett , motion carried.
Finance Officer’s Report:
Finance Officers report read, Motion to accept made by Sean Gray , seconded by _Ernie Williams , motion carried.
Statements from Guests:
- Alex Rempfer- He was approached for EBS while presenting project for Eagle Scout. He was inspired
and impressed on the learning of procedures in the House of Representatives. His city, Birch Bay won
the competition for their presentation of combatting homelessness.
- Keri Williams- Asking if the signup for the Kitsap Fair booth manning is complete. Signup sheet was
- Bob Theal- Provided update form the 2025 Legion Convention. 3rd District had 17 members in
attendance with numerous first-time attendees. The new Department Constitution and By-laws were
approved by the membership from the floor. Elections were held for Department Commander, Area
Vice Commanders, Department NEC-man and Alternate Department NEC-man. 2025 Legion
Convention will be held in Spokane Valley at the Mirabeau Park Hotel. Noted that National Legion has
a ”Post 1000”, this is to place members into who join the legion on-line. They will have to stay in there
for 1 year before they can be transferred to local post or WA 110. Noted that should be making
preparation for the arrival of the USS Ronald Reagan to welcome them to Bremerton.
Sick call:
New Members and Transfers:
New Members- 4, Transfers- 1, (waiting to complete MDF). Motion by Adjutant Nelson to accept new members was seconded by Dave Garrett . Motion carried
Membership (Goal ): ( Lee Felder Jr )
- 64_ Traditional + 76 PUFL = _140_ ( %_) as of Transmittal 25-02 report dtd 07/16/2024 .
Motion to accept by Lee Felder , Seconded by _Dave Rose . Motion recorded.
Activities: (Cailin Goldey)
- Wednesdays. 3-ball pool games starting at 3PM
- Fridays Post has King of Clubs 6PM (Amount for 7/19 is $11,259)
- Aug 31- Post Picnic Bremerton Elks
Building: (Larry Phillips Primary/Rick Baker Secondary)
- Keg Cooler has been repaired. Unit is old, so still looking at a Glycol system. One estimate came in
at approx. $7k, another bid is expected during the week.
- PSE Lighting changeout, Happening on 7/17.
Legion Riders: (Dave Garrett)
- Dave Garrett attended the VMA CoC meeting in Tacoma and there are several motorcycle laws that
are being considered. One is the helmet law. Another is lane splitting as the usage of the breakdown
- Western ROMP will be held in Bellingham August 8-11. Registration available at Amount is now $75
- State ALR Rally will be in Amboy, Aug 8-11
- Annual 911 Run scheduled for Sept 14. May go from west to East this year
Historian: (Dave Riley)
- Working in progress. Having difficulty printing pictures to go in the History Book
Old Business:
- The Post is in need of a Service Officer. Training is available online and if interested, contact CDR.
Further information is still required
New Business and Correspondence:
- 2024-2025 Post Officer Installation
3rd District Commander performed the installation of the new 2024/2025 Post Officers of Commander,
1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, Finance Officer, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms and
- Sheryl Baker performed the installation of Keri Williams as the new Unit 149 Auxiliary President.
Congratulations to all new Officers
- Need to establish an Audit Committee. Rick Baker noted that selection for the audit is a vital and
prestigious event. This is to ensure transparency to all members and correct, if any, discrepancies.
- CDR Marsland presented the 100% Family award to the Legion, Auxiliary and Son’s.
Good of The Legion:
- CDR Marsland- If any members have some suggestions for getting more membership participation,
please contact him.
- Help is needed at the Legion Parking Lot on South Lafayette this Saturday at noon for cleaning and
- CDR Marsland- “Doc Luvs Kids” is holding heir school Backpack Drive for school supplies. If you
bring in a bag of school supplies, you will receive 5 free King of Clubs tickets, bring in a backpack full
of school supplies, you will get 15 free King of Clubs tickets.
- CDR Marsland- Convention report, overall, the convention went well, Noted the results of voting, and
that the National Executive Committee that has been overseeing the Department is now acting more
as an advisory committee. The department cannot get their charter back until the pending court case
is adjudicated.
- Dave Riley- Noted that on November 11, that our sister Canadian Legion Post from Nanaimo has
invited Bremerton members there for their “Remembrance Day”. If you are interested, contact him.
- Dave Rose- Through his work he will be riding the USS Ronald Reagan from port prior to arrival in
Bremerton. He would like to get a lot of recruiting material for this.
Motion to adjourn made by Sean Gray , seconded by Ernie Williams Therefore, being no further business to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned @ 1851 .
Willie Nelson Dave Marsland
Adjutant Commander
Meeting Date: June 18, 2024 Time : 1800
Roll Call of Officers: (P =Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, V = Vacant. F= Fill In)
Commander: Dave Marsland- P
Adjutant: L. WIllie Nelson- P
1st Vice Commander: Lee Felder- P
2nd Vice Commander: Lou Barbero- P
Finance Officer: Rick Baker- P
Chaplain: Dick Topness- E
Jr Past Commander: Dave Garrett- P
Sgt-At-Arms: Dave Garrett- F
Sr. and Jr, Color Bearer: VACANT
Historian: Dave Riley- P
Service Officer: VACANT
Guests: Position/Post Representing:
Keri Williams- Unit 149 Incoming Auxiliary President
Sheryl Baker- Unit 149 Auxiliary Membership
Judy Falcon- Unit 149 Auxiliary Member
Chrissy Huckabee- Lounge Manager and Unit 149 Auxiliary Member
Bob Theal- 3rd District Commander
Draping of the Charter:
Barrie Muller
Opening of the Meeting:
The meeting was opened in the normal manner by Commander Dave Marsland @ 1800 .
21 Members, including Officers, 5 Guests
Minutes of previous meeting:
Motion to accept the reading of the minutes made by _Harley Gaddy , seconded by Larry Daley , motion carried.
Finance Officer’s Report:
Finance Officers report read, Motion to accept made by Harley Gaddy , seconded by _Dave Riley , motion carried.
Statements from Guests:
- Keri Williams- Auxiliary Yard Sale Saturday June 22, serving lasagna for King of Clubs
- Sheryl Baker- Thank you to all attending the meeting
- Bob Theal- Thank you to post for making Goal, USS Reagan will be arriving in Bremerton later this
year, please welcome them in, thank you to Dave Riley for representing Post 149 at Fire Station 45
for the presentation of their flag, Noted information on convention and happenings
Sick call:
New Members and Transfers:
New Members- 5, Transfers- 2 Motion by Adjutant Nelson to accept new members was seconded by
Harley Gaddy . Motion carried
Membership (Goal 432 ): ( Lee Felder Jr )
- 384_ Traditional + 76 PUFL = _460_ ( 106 %_) as of Transmittal 24-32 report dtd 05/21/2024 .
Motion to accept by Lee Felder _, Seconded by _ Larry Daley _. Motion recorded.
Activities: (Luis Barbero)
- Wednesdays. 3-ball pool games starting at 3PM
- Fridays Post has King of Clubs 6PM
- Aug 31- Post Picnic Bremerton Elks
Building: (Larry Phillips Primary/Rick Baker Secondary)
- Lower HVAC System is having issues. Randy’ H/C have been over several times to make repairs.
Looking at a new system in the near future. Working on other avenues for financing
- Keg Cooler has been repaired. Unit is old, so still looking at a Glycol system
- Deep Fat Fryer is repaired
- PSE Lighting changeout, still waiting on scheduling
- Tri-Tek has replaced the recalled Heat Sensors throughout the building.
Legion Riders: (Dave Garrett)
- May 25 Participating in the “Unforgotten Run to Tahoma” Meet at the post at 8:15-8:30AM
- Western ROMP will be held in Bellingham August 8-11. Registration available at through June 30 $65, after July 1 $75
- State ALR Rally will be in Amboy, Aug 8-11
- Annual 911 Run scheduled for Sept 14. May go from west to East this year over the North Cascades
Highway from Bellingham to Wenatchee and back to Bremerton.
Historian: (Dave Riley)
- Working is in progress on the book, hope to have it completed by summer.
Old Business:
- The Post is in need of a Service Officer. Training is available online and if interested, contact CDR.
Further information will be provided following Department Convention
- Department Convention will be in Kennewick July 12-14, Candidates attending are CDR Marsland,
Adjutant Nelson and Rick Becker
Question asked if membership was ok with the representatives voting on the acceptance of the new
By-laws . Motion by Harley Gaddy that the delegates vote accordingly for the acceptance of bylaws.
Seconded by Larry Daley, Motion Carried
- Voting for the 2024/2025 Post Officers
Commander- Dave Marsland 1st Vice- DR. Lee Felder
2nd Vice – Cailin Goldey Finance- Rick Baker
Chaplain- Dick Topness Historian- Dave Riley
SAA- Ernie Williams III
E-Board Pos1 Willie Nelson E-Board Pos 3- Paul Nelson
Motion by Harley Gaddy that being unopposed positions, present a vote of acclimation for the membership
was seconded by Pete Gould, Motion carried. Adjutant ordered ballots to be destroyed
New Business and Correspondence:
- Kevin Russell from Carson Post is also a candidate for Department Commander
Good of The Legion:
- CDR Marsland- If any members have some suggestions for getting more membership participation,
please contact him.
- Ernie Williams- Thank you for the help and getting the dart boards up and, also there is a Corn Hole
League that has sponsorships for $25 and in that they will advertise the post in all their facebook
- Matt Shillenburg- Noted that there is a KAVA Fund raiser at the 19th Hole on Wedd 19 Jun starting at
- Rick Baker- Motion to donate $500 to KAVA for their use was seconded by Ernie Williams, Motion
carried, thank you to Chrissy and Lindsey in putting the plaques up around the post and obtaining the
dart Boards, thank you to Aux for all their support to the post. Noted the yard sale and the lasagna
- Harley Gaddy will be transferring and is inviting all to his farewell party August 23
- Zach Houser- Noted that Grey Chevrolet is holding their Corvette Show on Jun 29, all are invited.
Motion to adjourn made by Rick Baker , seconded by Harley Gaddy Therefore, being no further business
to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned @ 1852 .
Willie Nelson Dave Marsland
Adjutant Commander